Perchè SRA Blog

Il motivo che mi ha spinto a creare questo blog è semplicemente il fatto che sono sempre stato affascinato da illustrazioni come questa, su libri di scuola o enciclopedie, illustrazioni con le quali si poteva osservare uno spaccato di vita del passato basato su riscostruzioni pressochè fondate, il mio è solo un tentativo di riscostruire dei monumenti accessibili grazie alla navigazione ottenibile con Google Sketchup e osservare l'interno di alcuni edifici con una certa libertà di movimento.

La Domus

La Domus
Ricerca personalizzata

venerdì 20 gennaio 2012

Anfora attica a figure nere

There a new model about "Anfora attica a figure nere V secolo AC" these object was found in an Sant'Agata's Necropolis, near my city.
More info see these site:
Necropoli Sant'Agata (NA)

Anfora attica a figure nere - V sec. a.C.:

lunedì 16 gennaio 2012

Talking over the Atlantis city and Tartessian Civilization.

Relative to the previous post, where Pichuneke have open a interesting discussion about the Tartessian Civilization and their city concept, then the scheme are many things like the described in Atlantis's civilization.
I like to report the P. comment and some links about the Tartessian civilization.

Pichuneke wrote:

I disagree, I think that Atlantis, if that city ever existed, was in the south of Spain. I discovered an old roman city reading on the net, and just for fun I wrote this:
Yes, here you have it.
No excavations at all.
you can see a wall, at the end of the street.
Understand me,perhaps that was not the city,
perhaps Atlantis, if it ever existed, was an
older one that now we can't find, but I am sure, it was in that area.
That area is also the source of other Greek legends:
Anyway it's sure that there was a lost civilization there(The Tharsis from the Bible), so anyway you have there an astounding place to explore.
And it's almost sure that a big tartessian city is under the roman one of Asta Regia.

Symbols and City scheme:

The Tartessian's Capital

A book

giovedì 12 gennaio 2012

Atlantis the legend revealed

I not sure about the truly rebuilded story, but someone have study a lot for this.
I like this film, and i think that it must be view.